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斐若香 经验 2023-03-31 23:37:00 182

In the English language, there are many words that are associated with overdue or delayed actions, events, or payments. These words are commonly used in both formal and informal contexts, and understanding them is essential to effective communication in English. In this article, we will explore some of the most commonly used English words related to overdue payments, overdue work, or overdue anything.

1. Late: Late is a commonly used word to describe anything that is overdue. It can be used to describe late payments, work, projects, or events.

2. Delinquent: This term is often used to describe a payment that is past its due date or someone who is behind on their payments.

3. Overdue: This word describes something that is not done or finished when it should have been.

4. Arrears: This term is often used to describe a debt or an obligation that is overdue, unpaid, or past due.

5. Outstanding: This word is used to describe a debt, payment or obligation that has not been fulfilled or paid for.

6. Behindhand: This term is commonly used to describe a person or something that is behind schedule, and not completed when it should have been.

7. Overdrawn: This term is used to describe a bank account that has gone over its limit or has a negative balance.

8. Default: This term describes the intentional failure to meet an obligation, such as a payment or a contractual obligation.


9. Tardy: Tardy is an informal term that is often used to describe someone who is late or slow in completing a task.

10. Unpaid: This term is used to describe an overdue payment or an outstanding debt that has not been satisfied.

In conclusion, understanding the meaning and usage of the above-mentioned words is essential in English communication, especially when it comes to discussing overdue payments, work, or any other overdue obligation. Whether you're conducting business or just having a casual conversation, these words can help you express your thoughts and ideas more clearly and effectively.
